At Ott’s Auto Service, we take pride in putting SAFETY FIRST—for you, your family, and everyone sharing the road. As we step into autumn, it’s not just the weather that changes. This time of year marks the beginning of deer rutting season, which means more deer are on the move, especially at dusk and dawn. Normally, these animals keep to the woods, but between September and the end of November, as they roam more actively in search of mates, they’re more likely to cross roadways unpredictably, even on busy highways.
A deer suddenly appearing on the road can be startling and dangerous. Beyond the risk of damage to your vehicle, a collision can send a deer through the windshield into the passenger compartment creating a potentially life-threatening situation for drivers and passengers. We want to remind our customers of the importance of staying vigilant, particularly in rural areas and during nighttime and early morning drives. The Ontario Provincial Police have confirmed that there are more than 12,000 wildlife vehicle collisions each year in Ontario. Approximately 400 people sustained injuries from these collisions.
However, the rutting season is not the only time of year where there is risk of deer collisions. Loss of habitat to urban environments can result in year-round wildlife collisions as deer become more comfortable around cars and people.
All above data considered, there are numerous ways motorists can do their part to help prevent injury, fatalities and property damage throughout the year.
Here are a few tips to help keep you, your loved ones, and our wildlife neighbours safe this year:
1. Scan the Ditches: Keep an eye on the shoulders of the road and ditches for any signs of movement. Deer often hide in these areas before suddenly darting out.
2. Use Your High Beams: When driving on darker roads and when there’s no oncoming traffic, use your high beams to improve visibility and spot deer earlier.
3. Stay Extra Focused: Pay even closer attention to your surroundings than you might during the day. During rutting season, deer behavior can be unpredictable, so a little extra focus goes a long way.
4. Check Your Mirrors: Check your mirrors regularly so you are always aware of what is happening around your vehicle. Wooded areas and driving at dusk or dawn have an increased risk of wildlife.
5. Look for signs : You’ll often see warning signs posted near the road that will alert you of areas that are prone to wildlife activity.
6. Use Your Horn : If you see an animal standing near the road, try honking your horn in short bursts to encourage it to leave.
7. Look For Glowing Eyes : Scan the side of the road when you’re driving. Most animals’ eyes will glow brightly when they meet headlights.
8. Slow Down Or Stop Safely : If you see an animal cross, assume there will be more behind it. Try not to get too close and let the animal have space while they are crossing. Turn on your hazards to alert other drivers you are slowing down and there is a hazard ahead.
9. A Second Set Of Eyes : If you have a passenger in your vehicle, ask them to watch for signs of wildlife along the road.
10. Drive Defensively: Brush up on defensive driving techniques to help you anticipate the actions of those around you, including wildlife.
11. Think “what if”: It’s good to mentally prepare and think about what you will do if you encounter wildlife. Preparedness can save lives.
12. Don't Swerve: Brake firmly, but don't swerve. You may think you're saving an animal's life but things could get much worse. If a collision is imminent, it's safer to brake firmly rather than swerving, which could result in losing control or colliding with another vehicle or fixed object like a tree, hydro pole or rock face. Remember, while driving always remain sober, alert, undistracted with your seat belt buckled up.
At Ott’s Auto, we believe that every safe journey matters—for our customers and for the wildlife sharing our roads. Just like us, deer no doubt want to make it safely home to their families too. ;-) Taking a little extra caution during deer rutting season and throughout the entire year can help protect you, your family, our local wildlife and the communities we all share.
From your Friends at Ott's Auto Service
